Hey, I’m Jane
Your Personal Trainer and Accountability Coach
Got the goal but not sure how to achieve it?
Got the plan but struggle to stick to it?
How can I help?
As your Accountability Coach think of me as a best friend on hand each and every day to hold you accountable for the tiny choices you make on a daily basis towards your goal. Whether it's weight loss, running your first 5K, or just eating more mindfully and finally getting some balance, I will hold you to it, cheering you on all the way.
As your Personal Trainer I inspire you to exercise to your best potential. I get you up and moving with a custom personal programme of exercises and a routine you can stick to. Whatever specific fitness goal you have, I will provide you with the tools you need to get there quickly and safely.

Not everyone needs another workout programme, another diet plan, another physical appointment to factor into their week. Some have all the plans but the willpower falls just short of helping them stick to it. They need an Accountability Coach. Of the health and fitness goals we set, we are 95% more likely to succeed if we have specific accountability in place.
Others are just starting to move their bodies more, are concerned of what safe movement means to them, or want some dedicated time with a qualified trainer to push them harder for that extra hour each week. They want a guide as well as a friend to make exercise fun again and to be there when their willpower alone would tell them to take it easy. They need a PT.